Patrick, Traditional Egyptian Christianity 1996
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Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies
Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CIlHIS'r1A)'.; I'IT THE FmST CHlUSTIAl\S EGYPT
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111 1 lO Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY 2~IIl Gnechische p.24. Mark Harvard 313 1 12 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FOUNDATIONS FOR 'i'RADITIONAL ECYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY agam. L5 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIA;\/ CHRISTIANITY FOUNDATIONS FaH 16 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY FOR LEADERSHIP 19 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY FOR LEADERSHIP 21 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYI'TIAN CHRISTIANITY FOUNDKHONS FOR LEADERSHIP trans. A. C. in Eusehius: Church V, alia 1 of Nicene and P081-Nicene Fatlleni of Ihe C'hrisLian 2nd York: Charles Scribner's Church Chadwick has done a masterful translation and commentary on this Celsum U niv. ,mel 'The consensus is before 1, trans. in their number to be Illustrious Men el VoL () Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian ser., ed. H. \Vace and P. SchaU' York: Chm'les Scribner's " Revue des of Antioch and WAnnie!\. pp. i35-56. p,86. "H. I. Cults and Creeds in Greco-Roman Univ. llcyclOjJeala, 1991. 1l(,}'clO'pe."1Ja, 1991. of" 1ll n,,,m TraditioI1 and Ihe '''So ari,'lles, of show as a model monk who ers. '\Verner HU.LJLll~\.}U, pp. 119-121. p. 87. The first 75 pages of this book have 'C~ll'U.ILCl Two. pp.2-4. '''Church 2°Clmrch York: 111 Church 40. 'Stromata I, 11, trans. in Fathers of the Second J. Donaldson ed. Roberts Nicene Church and 18:7. pp. 22 p. II. 22 2[3 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYIYrIAN CHHISTJANrIY 2'Chllrch 2"Chllrch 2"Church 27Cl1l1Tch 13:7. pp.2 /1-26. p. 1. p.41. cd. B. Leltel:, of St. 58-59. 1 25 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY ECUMENICAL LEADERSHIP 26 27 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY ECUMENICAL LEADERSHIP 28 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHHISTIANITY ECUMENICAL LI'~,\DERSHIP 30 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY ECIJMENICAL LEADERSHIP 32 33 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIi\r\ITY TRADrnONAL ECUMENICAL LEADERSHIP Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies LEADERSHIP TRADITIONAl, EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY "La Christianisation de aux 4eme-(5eme 68 il7-Hi5. resistance au Christianisl11e sie- 51 72-73. R. A. usefill outline of this controversy is f(mnd The Fortress HUUUL'IHHU. Arianism: the exhaustive conduct in D. \VA-I. Indiana: York: Oxford Univ. p. "Incarnalioll of tlle trans. Vol. 4 of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fat.hers of the Christian and York: Charles Scribner's 1 p.65. ed. H. \Vace and P. Schaff monasteries and churches The Churches and A1ol1 111 'Y,r'wn"r" I the Christians these sources for Monastic Tradition and tlle p. 191. "The Earliest fUr Antike und lief. d"'""J.'L"~, these works are found in of the ('hristiall ner's 12See \V. H. C. Frend in "The I 36 37 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies AND COPTIC 1 1 39 38 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CorrrIC 'fRADlTIONAL EGYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY lrre- 40 41 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies NATIONAL AND COJYrIC 42 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies "l'RADITIONAI, EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY AND COPTIC 45 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies NATIONAL TRADITIONAL COJYrIC 46 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CCWI1C ed. B. of dIe Patriarchs has almost about him. The Rise 809. p. 809. J11C Rise and human in the 'HPCC 1, "The Mission to Nubia: an <4,'''''''''-' 111 from Tral'<1ux du Ccntrc Vol. 1 0-16. p. 830. min HPCC anti- pp. to III and IV. Besa Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN York: Columbia R. ]'hc 193 p. 21. 19HPCC 1, It72. note 6. p.82. 2. p.27. p. p. and see p. 140. p.64. p. 14K p. 21. "-,"'",,'1111' 3 4 HPCC 1, ,t77-478. 35HPCC 1, 478-,t79. p.36. ~~ ..,.,I", in HPCC 1, '10'1-/100, the author dismisses this massacre as 38HPCC 1, ;lln'CloiDcdl,L 1991. ill HPCC 1, 4.92. "HPCC i2HPCC 1,497. 43HPCC 1,498. most prosperous most to 51 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY FIRST CENTURIES 52 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY THE ARAB 55 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FIHST C~:NTURn~<; AlTER THE ARAB TRADITIONAL ECYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY 57 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAl\ CHHISTIANITY FIRST CENTUHIES AFTEH THE ARAB 58 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FIRST CENTURIES AFTER THE ARAB '-''-n''Jl)jC~' TRADITIOl\:AL CHRISTIANITY 60 61 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FIRST CHRISTIANITY 'rRADI'l'IONAL 62 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Fms'I' CENTlJIUES AFI'ER THE TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY 65 64 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FIHST CENTCRlES AlTER THE TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN G(j Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FIRST CENTUH[J<~<; AFTER THE AR/,B TR1\D1TIONAL EGYPTIAN The Arab YeaI:s of the Roman LJ()I111I1l0n, 1 pp. in his A ill the Patriarche" Procile- York: Columbia Uni". also see ,md p.57. Social Isolation of the O. Komlos p.26. p.66. p.56. cd. B. ed. It p.160. of the Patriarchs of the 1',!!lil}l./i1l1 O. H. E. KHS-Burmester III sec HPCC 5, 10-21. 5, 21-26. The "",aU."H is from p. 25. 69 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies FmsT CENT! nm:s THE ARAB THADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY of the Patriarchs In Vol. 10 of r;IITrl"n()7:1 It H. Charles 2'See 11le but also to the Muslim Princeton Univ. Nubia: Corridor to Aljjca "'W. 454. 21i HPCC 5, 49-52. :'DS am I. ''';H<;I1~. Islamization 1991. 72. ",,,.'''''U~, p. 260. p.27. received from Maurice 1992. to "'IT M. "The Conversion of p. "p. 184. and :WHPCC 5,51. :JIHPCC !'''His story is found in HPEC 2, 1-8. Here and othervvise translation used is found except that Arabic transliterations ,md pp.76-77. ',W'HL~L~ arc omitted. !"His story is in HPEC2, 3-18. SBHPEC2,107. :wrhe tll e Poll '1 ilX in 27. 59 HPEC 2, 184 ,j('HPEC8, ""W. p. :l7Can be found in Abu 4,55-56. The Churches ,U1el ]'v[onasteries trans. 13. Evetts and A. J. Butler Bullictt one third the convcrsions took Clarendon in COlJllersioI1 isiiU11 in the Medieval Period M. Brctt claims t11at Christians remained "a 'n~'''''CH'' pp. 267-268. p.19. of Islam in M. Brett :l!lButler, p. "'HPCC 88-215. vVorld hom ClassiCill to JV[odem Bosworth LHC,LU.YH. Darwin see, e.g., the this tenrnlIl01 1 [)gy I"HPCC5, l(i-l i:lHPCC5,172. o!HPE;C2, 151-168 257-260. is found in HPEC 2, 8-99. and " in The Central islamic Lands ii"om Pre-I~lamic Vol. 1 of The ed. P. M. p. 176. '''HPE;C2, 1-32 and 4.0-41. is found ill HPE;C 6HHPEC 117. p. a8. '°J[PEC 11 is found in HPCC 15. iSHis h,r'OT"n!"", ioD. in 'ille CentTal Islcullic Lands irom ~U"I'U«'~ " 1 of l11e pp. 1 islamic Times to the FiI:~t vVorld 2il. 70 71 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY TRADITIONAL 1991. Khalil Abu Ishak ibn H/'/'vU'«, 71 72f[PEC2,121-122. "'f[PEC 2, 122-124. 7lKhalil J 991 al-Israili J',Il.cYC.10TJCW<1, 72 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THADITIONAL THE CHURCH FATIMID AYYUBID EGYPT re(::Oluuze'Cl no 74 75 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE CHURCH FATIMID AND A)'YUBID EGYPT 76 77 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADfrIONAL EGYPTIAN THE CHURCH IN Ef\.TIMID AND AYYUBID EGYPT' 78 79 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE CHURCH IN EGypr TRADITIONAL EGYI'rIAN CHRISTIANITY 80 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY CHURCH FATIMID AYYUBID EGYPT Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL ECYIYrIAN CHRISTIll.l"lITY Tm:CHURCH EGYPT 85 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY THE CHURCH IN FATIMID EGYPT 86 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies 'I'm: CHURCH IN CHRISTIANITY EGYPT F. I'HP1£ "HPEC2,157. 1991. and 174. Abu al-Fadl lsa ibn lIHPEC2,170-17l. I;Khalil al-Fath ibn Sahl found in HPEC 2, 74,-228. l"IIis story another was to be consoled with the next open 18 [JPEC 2, 183-1 "'HPEC2, 180. ~l)HPEC 2, 199-200. Documents from the Fatimid 15-22. "Fatimids 1991 VU{JJ)CUld. ~IHPEC 2,229-231. found in HPJ.<;C 2. 1 Rccounled in HPEC 2,245-821. ~1;HPEC2, 2'These are summarizcd in HPEC 2, of L,(VI Patriarch of n."C''',"" in I.e Mllse,:)J}, ofthe Patriarchs ofthe The de la societe 2RHPEC 268-27il. Cl1c:o!()gle copte, 194,1 et 2'The story is ill HP1';C 2, 16-BI7. den :JHPEC lcll(yC1 1 C)PC(Jl d'Alex;U1drie: Recension et vul- pp. 2il-24 for a sum- 5 B5-1S0. "HPEC 2, 135-136. HPEC of his conclusions. 279 and 2,242-2;14. 7 HPEC 2, 1 6. l1Cllk!l1U'111. SCI'. il, Vol. 7, cd. 1" arabischcIl Litera/ur story found in HPEC 2, 150-174. 88 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY THE CHURCH IN A)'YUBID EG'WI' 'i!Subhi Labib in 52 ( 1991. 153. p. 14.9. [i'IJPEC 97-166. 1991. :l7Andre "Fatimids ,mci the " in 111e CentTal Islamic L 3"B. COlTicior to Africa t'nnC(~tolll: Princeton Univ. ed. P. M. of The [0 the First. World p.189. S. and B. Lewis HPEC2, (j!'HPEC 165. is found in HPEC "'His 166-168 and 183-20a. IlCVC}Ol')efilCl. 1991. l(ISubhi "Badr Ii" IJPEC 205-225. found in HPEC 2,321-370. "His story from ms. arabe 12HPEC of tile Patriarchs ofthe ~~...", FU'" verso to a55 recto, as Publications de la societe ~lHPEC2, 331 "HPEC 2, 365. H. E. 60. 7!HPEC4, 72HPEC cd. and trans., "The Canons of 276-279 and 284. " Le MuseoIl, 40 245-288. 7:JI.etter li'om Maurice 9 1992. '''HPEC2,346. Maurice 1992. 1991. 1991. IllHis story is in HPEC 'YHPEC 2, 399. 5°HPEC2, 1991. 'VUlCUJd. 1991. 1991. fh)lll p. found in HPEC 5'Macanus'story 1-39. The quot,lUc,n "'Khalil S,unir, Al-Safi ibn HPEC 3, 22. 52 1991. 'UL'CW'rl. the 'luucaHV.'" "!Vincent uru.""'" aI-Rashid ibn al- "Fatimids and the 59-66. ibn al-' Amid J!.,I1CVC'lOI;'Cajra. 1991. [,(jHPEC 3,67. 57"111e Churches and lvfonastcrics of B'Aziz "al-As'ad Abu Hibat Allah ibn ,mel trans. 13. Clarendon ['8I-IPJi,C :3, 6G-69 and 5"Vincent ibn '111e Arahs in 91 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies SURVIVING MAMUJK RULE 1517 93 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies T'HADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY MAMLUK RULE 95 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL ECYPrIAN MAMLUK RULE 96 97 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY SURVIVING MAMLUK RULE 99 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANIT'{ SUHVIVING RULE 101 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL SURVIVING RULE \ve luean 'David Samuel ""''''''",L'' et al. in .H. The Rise of tbe West '-'UA~U6'" Univ. of "Le charactere colonial de l'e– note to g rapports avec la Horde of how M secured and L ciu pp. 226-228. 1250-1.900 ralesune, and tax revenues in money or in kind from a of land R"the other revenue source for a limited in return for administrative or service. Tl1e M;unluk Sultanate 12.50-1382 The Middle East in the Middle an)Ollmue: Southern Illinois Univ. 1. The Arabs: i1 Short 5th rev. cd. rnlllCe[()u: Plinceton Univ. 238. and tJle other information in this of UVLUU,UU I Nubia: Corridor to A111'ca 509. Conversion to Islam under the Bahr! Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African 39 R. p. "a calls M,mlluk of 102 103 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies 'fHADITIONAL RULE Ishunic culture." Noah's arabe }a COIl(JUCi'C eeL G. de 1a nation PO'UnTI"'",,, "Notes 011 A,nti-Christian p.195. the Bulletill ofthe School of Olien/a} and AJiicall "Abu Shakir ibn 1991. 1991. 1991. Conversion to " pp. 567-569. 2"S. 1991. "Christian and "The 'Protected n·"",,,·, "Christian "p.18. The Churches and lVfon and A. J. Butler "JAW'Hl. CountIies ed. and trans. B. Church: Known rNVIJllrtfl ed. ,md trans. A. "Christian and E,sais sur les doctrines socialcs et IJUHWlIWC,> Societe 235-271. JJCTCiO]JCCiJra, 1991. :'''[{PEC 3, 249. 2, 51 HPEC 3, 252. 5"IIPEC "'HPEC 3, 268. "IIPEC 3, I. ';"'1 'he tTaditions about "p.219. lV[us/im 73 under the HUUU"U'."," nLHI'i''I'' aoC. Princeton '111e Ci\'111~1Il Liite of Cairo in the Later Aliddle 198 p.273. :lIAl-As'ad Sharar al-Din Hibat wgal1lzlrlg the tax system. See S. ibn Sa'id al-Fa'izi. He had become famous "Athanasius 1991. are summ of the (Cairo: Middle East Council of pp. 4,39-445. of tlle sentence are from p. p.274. pp.81-82. d51llC 2,19. All Introduction l(Jil'(l(llIIliLIl: :)';Lincia S. Suit L~Jamic work in i\rabic entitled ale Muhmnmad ibn Abdir-Rahm in Late Medieval 104 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY 61 HPEC 3, 274. G2HPEC 272-27't. and 1517 1 100 lW Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL ECYPTIAI'\ EMPIRE 09 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRA.DITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY UNDER THE OTroMAN EMPIRE 11 10 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADlTIOI\AL EGYPTIAN CHHISTlr\NITY 13 112 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies UNDEH THE OrfOMAN EMPIRE mamcluks du XFfeme au XFlIIeme sit~- ed. Hanotaux 115 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANrlY THE Book of tile Precious Pe;u1. p. B7. and the Fertile GJ:escent 1516-1.922 Univ. Church: Knmm as the cd. and trans. A. Khatcr and O. H. I p. '274. 1I1 visitors were Fr. Marc de 27HPEC 289-292. The p. 2~HPEC "Contribution a elu " Swdia OrientaIia CIllistianii colleeleana No.5, an "P. J. pp. 16'2-IG8. The D translation is found in Univ. of California .t1ncie11l and l\1odem p. The 1'11'<1,IILl.", 82 HPEC '29'2-'295. Princeton Univ. 1517-1 I"The 1675 Latin is in the Bodleian al-balael" and recounL'i i\li the of the Sadleir, The lished p. ~l2. p. 81 tlle Turk :<7 HPEC 295-2D8. 1 and not seen a French the Years 1 d'llIexilndrie [ol1dce fHU' S. 1'vlarc que nou" o.f/f/<','V"'" ecrite all Caire 111cme ell 1672 et 1673 uenermn, p. 81. 81 1,187-190. E'HPEC3, 2°HPEC 21HPEC translators' 281-284. pp. 22HPEC 3,282. p.88. Rome p. 117 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY THE TRADITIOl\AL CENTURY 122 123 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE NINETEENTH CENTURY TRADITIONAL EUYIYrIAN CHRISTIAKITY 125 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY THE CENTURY 126 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Tm: NINETHNrH CENTURY TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY 131 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRAnrrrONAL ECYJYI'IAN CHRISTIANITY THE N IKETEENTH Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies ECYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY '1 'm: N INI'~n:ENTH CENTURY 111C 8rd eeL \HcUUiUU' p. ofdle Khater and Sanirus ibn al-1Hukal1i/ H. E. KHS-Burmester p. copte, p.299. The of/hc Middle East Council of LjllCVCj()[)leflj1a, 1991. The Founder of A10dem 'J'YUlfVLllL from his lUi IL,anlnn(l!'!e: 2, pp. 82-85. T. pp. : "the army became an part of the national movement and ,U1 within a self:contained nalion," nw",u'u" pp. li7-G9. p.48. p, Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN 5 "'Habib '''The "HPEC 304-308. "The story and the "HPEC 307-308. ZGO.F. 105. p. HPEC 3, p. are found also and the rest the and Life Chn'sti;w p. p. 17. 011 HPEC 309-310. C. M. S. Missions she also blames British and French She states he had '>U"I"'uv,,,,. e.g., Church p.20. and Suri;w NlissioIl8 \A~'."H.H" 'YThc pp.37-38. 182. cf. also pp. 66-67. for December Social Evolution of Gliro A.. D. 642-18.50 of York: p.41. HPEC 0-312. found pp.2,1.7-275. russes en p. 20. 'Av,.u",.uU'o, trans. L. O. Schuman \.I...";1"'CII; E. .r. '111C Education of Saliuna pp. 509-510. She calls this ''''Habib pp.14.-15. recounted. with p. C1111stian Researches 1I1 tilt; NledileIT VisiOI1 Furtherance ofthe pp. 59-6 and 72-73. p.91. G'HPEC 3,312. pp. 247-275. pp. 737-739. G7 HPEC 3, 312 and 321. Bulletin de la ami Butrus Chali and " Middle it pp. "'His career until I in the late nineteenth century than one up in HPI,,'C 3,312-322. 136 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHHISTIANITY 71HPl~C p. 109. pp. Communal p. "Prime Minister of the a p. 263. "The Political Situation 7RD. Christians and Braude and B. ] 1w FunctioI1 Ottomall ] 11C timbic Lands p.192. Nliddle Eastern "Intellectual CurrenL'i in "'Salama 267. but it gO HPEC 3, il23-324. The translation is awkward and , 2 vols. lHodel1l also M. FouI1dcn of Modem pp. 73 and 114. rest of the outlines tl1e situation 82 HPEC 325-326. Church as of 1894. teries dioceses of the 1:-38 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies , I TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY HI Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIAN!'I, Tm: TWENTII~I'H CENTURY, I Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY THE ]\'VENTlETH I Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE TvVE~TIETH CENTVRY, I Cl'RADITIONA!, succeSSIve Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAl, EGYIYrIAN CHRISTIANITY , I THE TWENTIETH re- 148 149 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY THE , I 150 151 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADrI'IONAL EGYPTIAN CHRIS'rIANITY THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, I 152 153 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE '1 'RADI'!'!ONAL 155 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies I TRM)JTIONAI, CHRISTIANITY THE'1\VENTIETH 157 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THE 'I\vENTIETH Cl'UADITIONAI, CHRISTIANITY '111e [\;fallners and Customs of the l'vIofiem Scottish pp. Church and Social " International 1957 cd. 2,184. the and anllotated ofdlC PalriiuTi18 O[dlC pp. 656-657. Cilllrch S;zwil1ls ibn al-MukafTa H. E. KHS-Burmester conclusion of our Ufe Ibrahim. Collectioll of K. Mikhail k/osiems Ilnder British Control: OIl the 1.911, 3nl cd. Univ. The FormatioIl of a Nation-Stale 267-268. 2 " IHiddle Eastcm 1M-135. " pages 68 et seq., and 7. p.2G8. " Thc CC>Ilti~m[J()raIY "Lc renouveau copte, under BIitish Political Situation J-Iohnes and '''The nVVd~.CHHl" pp. 204-205. p.207. p. was IVlarkus Simaika. "The Educational Problem in ill Relation 57 651-658. Church p.12. p.14. pp. and 6. Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY , I THE o. ~u,,'''''''' in the Darkness: Life 5 4,7-52. the 1,. p. for her filther. et communaute co pte dans !'Is!am ('m"n,,,'" the in December of 1 111 Proche-Orient 011 the from of TOll101TOW an see D.C.: American Council of Learned 'tU".lUU~, pp. 312-313. p.41. p.529. and Practice since 2. Gershoni and "The "'lVI. B. 59-77. "I. Habib Middle p. 1. an interview in of the The Middle East December of 1989 at Saint Macarius' monastery. p. 527. " pp. IBB-140 and under British pp. 292 and 318. p. p. 3511. Modem pp. 65 and York: "p.272. tt"Intellectual Currents in book 011 and ao. of California Education ofSalama p.280. of p.75. B41-B42. "Gershoni p. 155. p.5a. pp. B55-371, where there is a sketch of up to the 1952 Revolution. New p. The p.57. p. G3. National 25. 74 7 translation in I'.1iddJe :;"Habib pp. 160 161 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN pp. LC5 C'hrCticllS "",,,,"u·n Centre d'ctude el de documentatioll i'f'fHlfHn,fl pp. pp. 421-422. 163 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY TWl,:NTIETH II 165 Hi4 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies II CHlUSTIANITY 'I'RADn'IONAL l67 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY TRADITIONAL II 168 169 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CEi\:TUHY, II 170 171 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies II TRADITIONAl, 172 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY ]\VENTIETH ,II Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY' TWEN'I'IKIH II 178 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies II TWENTIETH TRADITIO;:-.JAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIA;:-.JITY Middle East, 51, 19-22. The Univ. Center The Formation o[ a Nation Stale IMaurice P. Christian van Church " Proche-Orient communaute copte 127. p. [67. and the rest of this n:;I1I-:;,,,r:;n,h are drawn from d1is account of Christian 5 2'''Blessed Be III pp.43-44. account of the uaHd'~"ID and process is found in is from page 139. pp.140-141. p.435. p. cntre l' ordlOdoxie et clites u,o"u,;u\.. 8 iH.-lVl. 137. "Le renouveau copte," Oriens pp. 392-398. Proche-Orient 398 and 395. Il1 299-{lO 1. p.27. delivered to the Ord10dox lVfiddle Eastem "The in Modem 6 (l 103-105. on both 50. p.297. for 20 Middle East News Church in ISH. H. Ie christianisme en pp. and c. Proche-Orient 418. ild'~-ilm): and see M. P. Martin et " pp. 250-252. wProcile-Orient A Short p. 126. Univ. 180 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TWENTIETH "Al>d al-Mollcin Said Samaan and (I }WllSlim-Chrislian Conflicls: ,md B. 1,. K. Colo.: vVcstvicw '''''H''",'', pp. 263-27G. p. its Transformation in the Course Muslim 75 p. 265. Handbook: IHember Churches .JU'lH!'Ul, of Sharia Laws in pp. 10-14. pp.4-6. p. 167. 'VUllWl.38 " al-Damallhuri ' Univ. of California el 39 (is Proche-Orient 324. '~"'H>J'''-'I and Pharaoh: JVluslil1l E,tremism in and d. also H. Ii"N. E. "Islam v. Sccularism in Cairo: An Account of the Dar al-Hilman Debate," Nliddle Eastel11 25 208-2 y. and Social Rural p. 185. tr,ms. Ann Tavistock Life among the Poor in p.li7. A~'H""b \L.,jAH ,,}l,I. IHonks ,mel IHoIl The Arab Pre(JjcameIll: Arab Political Church p. 68. Univ. "The Chimera of Education "w,ue,,,.>," Jvliddle Eastern and 1,U,Ull,L1~lH, Dead 18B 182 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CIIRISTIANITY in Relation to '''''Intellectual " lVliddlc Eastern 2 pp. 150-152. Shenouda III et 1991. 257. 3D visit is clesClibed ill Proche-Orienl and sacraments, see O. H. E. about The l."J!V/Jllilil or Her Riles and Ceremonies Ohserved in t11e Administration ofHer Sacraments Church: A Detailed column-or both "t\rabic and see the useful volume which has t11e Orthodox Book llunnester, cd. and trans., Text limn a lVlcdieva!'V"ITII, and Centro Francesc "Le5 nouveaux courants," p. 25(3. 8'M. P. Martin et 1I1 Ccm/,::;mpo'rall' p.6. :326-:327. 9{) Proclie-Orient 185 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHHISTIANITY TRADITIONAl, 187 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies j'\1onastenes Eel. """"",n. T. Fisher 1Il Rl1ral Princeton: Princeton to York: ;mel Eastem 189 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIA~ITY BIBLIOGRAPHY The Doctrines of the Abu Ordwdox Book of Hours Los 1982. ibn al-Rahib. . l·libat Allah ibn al-'Assal." - - - - -. "al-As'ad Abu cd. and trans. Isaac the 1985. ](alamlill. Wamullstcr, " EI1ICYClOTJI(XLra. 199L Alexandrina: of[erls all P. Claude Mondesert. Pans: .L""lltHn,,, 1991. d'Alexilndrie. Ind.: Iudiana - - - - - - -. '111e Crusade in the Later jVliddle 1938. -. "Makir, ibn al-'Amid al-. 1991. du mameiouk. Israel Islamic Lands Boston: Beacon Peas;ml: vVomcn in " lVliddle London: Frank 111 Guide de /800-1950. and Bahnasa. 111e n.d. 190 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies BIBJ,lOGHAI'HY TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY and M
1Il " OIl the New Issues in 332 B.C. A.D. '-"'''''u~.". Londou: British 19R6. j\1oderI11zatioll. London: Frank the Alexandrian Schism Athanasios: 1 'he of in Late Leben und Lehre del' Fl'iihell - - - - - - -. "The Political Lands. Vol. 2 of of a Plural ,,,,,co,p,',, Pcriod. York: Holmes and LXVI ;md thc .tithanasian British lV!USClllYl. London: British Robert B. Christi;ms 111 the East. London: at the Council of 2 vols. London: P. B. T. VU 1991. \lVilson B. "The 145-150. Politics. London: "Blessed Be 193 192 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CI IRISTIANITY BmlJOGRAPHY d'i\ntioche en Life in Documcnts 011 1. D,UIl tile ibn Abel al-Mur. and trans. Moshe Perlmann. Univ. du XVlemc all His(oirc - - - - - - -, trans. Thc " AJiddlc VV. K. Lowther. T111c Lausiac 1918. au of HistOlre de la Henri. A. S. vVorrell. Francisco: 194 195 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CfRADITIONAI, EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY BIBLIOGRAPHY Arab /ili. D. O. R. "Revivisceuce du 388. 19GO. 1. The Lesser Eastern Paris: Presses Pierre. 1£8 1991 all sixieme LOUIS E. de 1991. Leader in the Fourlh 1Il of il'adi Natmn. in the Late Roman L'""":,,, " The New "Un Prelat refonnateur, Ie 17 1984. The Rise -. The Rise of t1le iii""""'" Fortress Education and the Church: the lH'CJHI,}PllV and NIoTa] dill! HI:;,' 1I1 F. Rot~lil. IV/onasticism. Leiden: E. J. 196 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY BIBIJOGRAPflY Literalur. Vol. 2. " A. Nissiotis. Does in Wisdom. Ed. and trans. R. 1975. to des " DicliollIlaire de spir- of Florcncc. 1959. Fortune: The a Nation Estates tional 198 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THADrIIONAL EGYPTIAN CHHISTIANn'Y BmLIOGHAl'HY 711e Middle East in the Middle ,arl)OlltlaIe, Ill.: >JVIJU",'A New Harvard Personal Interview. 7 Decem- and M'U1ichaeism. Le London: Frank or the Patriarchs Documentation of Iiir Anlike Ilnd American Univ. 1Il 196ft -. and tile Fertile 196G. 13-1 Revile £Ie Christian Creeds. 3rd ed. New York: m Alexandria. 201 200 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY BIBLIOGRAPI-IY de de de Pacl16me prenl1ers successeurs. de La Kirche." Bl1lletin de 1a and Bernard. The l\rahs in -. H"-"""-",,, under the Mamluks. 1958. London: Ernest Donations and East 409-415. Mere 10 -. "The Hule: The Fate 61-70. Bulletin of the 2 202 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies BIBLIOGRAPHY TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY Human Corn- d'histoire 1965. Univ. in The 1970. 199L "Darnru." LlU/JC(lj'<1. Rev. cd. Amencan "Recent in der l'\.l)Ull:>U Institute van Nouveaux courants dans la communaute 245-257. New York: Visit to the and Allison. A -. 1978. ,·",,,,,nlr Life in the London: S. A. 'rhe " in Roman 1<'1l(:vcl;'me<11 H. 179-199. IVHJI.""'-'. Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANITY eds. The Roots TYle Education of Musa. Trans. 1961. -. "Intellectual " EasterIl Sudan. ,198,'). Militant" In Studies ill Ed. M. 111 Honour of Professor David Musa. Middle Pnnceton: in tile Late Middle NOll-o/licial ECLlmenical and the Roman ,-~aUH_'" 1972. "rl'he Doctrinal Position 17 resIstance au christianisme 51 VIle ,"~'-',",>J G:i-78. lU,IL Toward a ]\1odern d'Alex Martin. chrctienne. Alexandrma: Cld_ll",~" ofIerls au P. Claude A{ol1desert. Paris: Three Nales. and Belief in 1979. Rev. of 2nd 18a- A. '1L"~,)I!1' 1990. 206 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies THADITIONAL EGYPTIAJ'< CHHISTIANITY BIBLIOGRAPHY - - - - -. "Fakhr 1991. -. Proche- vu',"u;u"." Islam. London: and J London: G. the tic -. fl and 1860-1914." Eastem under British 1882-1914." Assassin: Bulros Wardani." Middle musulmane. Trans. J PIwmcial and and "1\bd 1991. -. "Abu al-Fath 1991. Ishak cnCTC1()fJeC11a, 1991. - - -, ed. Actes {iennes. Rome: Pontifical is Ed. J R. Sesostris. Des PatnaIcats: Les Patriarches dans 'PIT1n1l'"p ottOInan Paris: Arthur nvu""c;au, el "'J'~U~~'H"'-'HL en 209 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies el'RADITIOl\'AI, BIBLIOGRAPIIY monde moderne." Relation 211-265. Trans. Elizabeth Anna UUpUJl Dawes and Norman the "wu 1948. 71 (1 734-747. off11exandna ;md a Secrt~l I97{l. 122. Christian Church in tile Third-cel1- 'The Bible and 198.3. IAcnn.t", Center XVI Univ. S. 11;1a1'c que nom meme en 1672 et ULUFi'U~, Horatio. In The and Fusion: J]u; 1977. 3rd ed. Baltimore: The Armaud. PacilOmian K01I1onia. .3 Mich.: '-'HJ,,"U,,,,,, UDflea[10nS, 1980-1982. S. M. Fatmlld Decrees: Faber and Faber, 1964. Documents Rudolf. Die Jl>".'lJU,>< J(irche in del' !Veuzeit. chez Jes coptes B. Mohr, 19.32. Airi. "Ethnic Consciousness and its Transfi:mnation in the The Muslim ami 1Il 190G-1919. 102-1 Tim. Saint Peter of Alexandria: He,,,,,,,, and 1988. ed. 1972. and ti1C he/Clfln•., M. C.-F. Tnwels in the Years 1 J and J 3 and 1785. London: 210 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY BIBLIOGRAPHY Edward. "The Middle East In 208. The l\1odem York: - -. Les Manu8CJits Inventaire. among tile Poor III 1960. Rowan. Adm: HE""",<:vand and du 4emeau 212 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies I, Abbas II, khedive 146, 148 107 African churches Agatho, Against CclsU5 tile Akhenaton - xii al-Afdal 80-83 147 - 27 Abdallah, ,unir 57-58 56-57 Abdullah ihn Sa'd known Abu ai-Barakat Yuhanna ibn Abu aI-Fad! loa ibn al-Fakhr al-Ma'iihi - 96 Abu al-Fath ibn Sahlan ibn ai-Rashid ibn Abu al-Mufaddal Hibat Allar ibn aI-'AssaI - al-Azhar mosque - 75-76 al-Ghawri - 108-109 aI-Hakim - m-Kirazil- ai-Malik al-Kamil - al-Makrizi 121, 87 68, 76-77 Makrizi) - 60 al-Moi:t2 74-75 monastery 100, 73 al-Mustansir 79-81, 82 al-1Mutawakkil, 64. al-Nazir - a!-Qash;uuJi - 99 ai-Sail ibn - R7 a1- l1 f alalli 167 al':.lahir - 77 23-1 - 108 215 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies TRADITIONAL EGYPTIAl\ CHRISTIANITY INDEX 26-27 Alexander I, Alexander II, Bashmurite revoir 61 Ancyra - 28 Basil the Great - 21 ealendar - Calil()rnia - 178 57-58 Alexander the Great xi-xiii, 51 Alexandria ix, 17,'1, 178 arabization - Gmons - 78, 80, 87 4<6 17 Alexandrian Alexandrian A.ramaic 6 archons 75, areef- 125 7, - 5,8 121 of - a5, 170 ,HCUI)]"lt)l) 85, I 1 Bey - 1 Bauer, vValther- General 149 - 94-95,99 149 Alwah - Amalric - 83 Ambrosius Arian controversy - 27, Arianism - 25-27 Arians - 26-27 80 Beni Suer 87, n~:lII John ('::ltprllptl"'''I school in Alexandria 18 CatllOlic Church 96, 12, I 170 Catholic H)U);1 ");"'Ul"" Catholic Catholics - 170-171 (and see Rom;m Catholics) ~C"~J"'''~, Roman pope - 17 20 Bethlehem - 1 beys 109, 1 1, Bible - 5, 142, - 123-124, 126, 133, 146, army, 21-22, 26, 169 80,87, 125, 152, 166, Melchite Bible 166 Ashmul1ein - Asia - 22,95 Asia Minor 2, 5 Askalon 81 17a Chadwick, 4 Chalcedonian CI1l1stians 44" Melehites} ciJeirotonia Chosroes chrism - 100, III Clllistodolllos, (and anti-Chalcedonians anti-illtellectualism, 2-3, 10,26,33,85,39-42,47, i\lllioch Book ofHislOIies - 96 Book of]ames 4, Britain - Aswan - 57, - 77-80 - 77, 129-130, 145, 152 n"tn~r('h of 171 34 126, 130, 145, 148- 48, 57, Ath,ma'lius I the Great- 19, 149, 153-154, 157 the British - 122, 129, 134, 140, 73, 187 n"tTl~ITh - 97 147-149, Chronicle of Eusebius- Chronicoll Church ofJerusalem - 113 British British invasion 119 Attila the Hun - Australia - ix, 173, 178 Austria - 128, 138 Awad, Louis 154" 177 awlad al-'Assal 87 - xiv, 19, 130, British 126, 128 Church 143-B4, 146-147 British mle - Circassian J\1,ul1luks - 121 Circassians 93, 108-109, 119, 146 Citadel - 134 civilization 32 ~ 114, Axis Powers 153 Arabs xiv, Bulus al-Habis - 96 H;8 - 83-86, 88, 93-94 126, 148, 187 Arab conquest- 187 74.,147,185- {and see El1a1:oll} 52-56,61, (Old Cairo)- 53,59, 74., 80 Butler, 52-53 Butros Butros Ghali 179 Butros Ghali Pasha H7-148, 152 Butrus Sawirus aHamil 88 Badr a1:Tamali 79-81 Arab countries - 168, 171 Arab culture - 96, 146-1/t7 Arab 60,62-64,74, 181-132, Bahri 100, 101 bakt- 95 Baldwin, ofJerusalem- Conference - 157 Baramus monastery 132,164,173 Lord} - xiv, 41-42, 44-48, 52-53, A.rab science - 96 Arab - 166 Arab Socialist 165 Arab Socialist Union 166 62-68, 68, 76, Ih,e1- 125 107, 126-128, 71, Cairo-Alexandria Constantius, emperor - 73 216 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies !t\DEX CHRISTIANITY TR!\DITIONAL cUI.lleni!:al Patriarch - 169 "rnnwnmm - IG9-171 ecumenical movement 4·3 Edict of Milan 25 12/t, I - 76 French French influence 122-124, 129, 144 French invasion !la, j 1 19-122, la4 french Revolution - 120 - I Damanhur Damanhuri, Damasclls Damian Fuad, fundamentalist literature "Fmtherance of Fustat 67 Damietta Damnl- 76, of Mary 179 Debt Commission l:i3 Derius. emperor Deir Metras Delta 61 Demetrius I, "",.......,,'" - 2, IH-19. 21-22 Demetrius II, n~tn"n'h demotic - xi fathers - la2 - 82-S:~ noh';~n·h - 102 to the aa Galatia11S, collectors 176, 100, Gaul 4 Gawhari, 122 121-122 Gawhari, Ibrahim - 95 diet 62 Dinshawai Incident - 144.-145 Diocletian - 20, 73 Gentiles - 56-57 47 (and GenmUlic barbarians Girga 152 Gizeh - 126, 169 18,:12 Greeks Discollrse 10 - 62 - 121 ExiJortatioI1 /0 1VIarlyrdom 20 Exodus 1 Ezbekiah Fakhr al-Dawlah - Fanous, Dowling. ,\1'"11('"'' Druze 77 Dual Control- l:i:i Dulles, 57, 81, Goths Foster 157 celebrations 172 Christians 170, lH7 149, 151 Council of Creed,J. Cromer, Lord (Evelyn Crusaders - 81-85, Crusades - 81, - 101 - 58 Cyrenaica 1H 3 Great Insurrection III Great NomoCiulOIl 87 "Great Powers" I - 62, 88, 1 Fatimids Fatimid Felix, Roman pope - 41 fellahin - 1 Feltile Crescent - 52, finn;Ul 109 ilO,.IOO,110 147 170 IX~ Greece Greeks 5, 14 114, 12a-124, ill , education 19 la, 22, 44-47, Ecthesis - ecumenical War- lOil - 25 I' 219 218 Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANITY Kleber 121-122 "UC;C1U,g - 11 0 Koran (see Quran) k[lllab 125, 127 land reform 155 102, II 12, 126 ''''h'';~r,~h - 128, 171 Jesus Christ 1, 14,16,18-19,21,26,28, ila- 4a,48,S7, 71, 177 I;me, E. \V. - 25 Incarnation (see IncamalioJl of the lVord of God - India - 47 Harun al-Hashid 148-149 9, 17 Lent - 62 Leo, emperor 40, Leo I, Rom,m pope - Tome Lewis, Bernard Hebrews, Priests Hi,51 170 the Liberal - 139, 148, 153-155 Hellenistic Civilization 13, Party, British - 145 156-157 in Alex,mdria 14. 18,26 XllJ-XIV, 51, 185 Helw,Ul 97 Helwan School for Liberation 19,27-29 Life ofShcnollte- Herad;L~, """.",",,1> Heracleon, Heraclius, emperor - Herod the Great - I, IX Islamic 110,127,178 185 52, 73 Longinus 45 Lower Lutli o<_,'"",,w Xli Jowett, William - 125-126 Macarius the Great - 28, ao Macarius I, 68 Islamicists - 175 Judah - I Judaism - 6-7, 96, 150 42-43, 4S, 101-102, la9 Mac;u1us II, Mac,uius III, Julian, of Nubia Juli,Ul, Homan emperor Julian of Halic;mlassus - Ismaili Israel, ancient Israel, State of - Istanbul 108, 109 95 Jabart - 102 Jacob Baradaeus 4a Jacobite 126 Jacobite, 4a, la3, 1(i4 Macedonians - xi, xii, 5 madaris al-ahad 151 84 156-157, l(i5-169 homoio[l5ios - homoo[lsios 26, 28 Honorius, Roman pope - Hours 156, 165 - 178 Makouria - Makrizi 29,61, Ali - 134 House of I-louse of Othman - 108 93-98, 100-102, the Lord" ibn al-'Amid al-Makir - Kallar 9(; - 165 Khair Bey 108 khatiiJs 149 Jeremias, Jerome - 19, Jersey 99, 102 sultanate - 102, 108-109 - 178 Jerusalem - xii, 1, 6, 9, lil, 62, Mamluk system - 108, 220 221
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