Patrick, Traditional Egyptian Christianity 1996
Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies
Alexander I, Alexander II,
Bashmurite revoir 61 Ancyra - 28 Basil the Great - 21
ealendar - Calil()rnia - 178
57-58 Alexander the Great xi-xiii, 51 Alexandria
ix, 17,'1, 178
arabization -
Gmons - 78, 80, 87 4<6
Alexandrian Alexandrian
A.ramaic 6 archons 75, areef- 125 7,
- 5,8
of - a5, 170
85, I 1
Bey - 1
Bauer, vValther-
General 149
- 94-95,99 149
Alwah - Amalric - 83 Ambrosius
Arian controversy - 27, Arianism - 25-27 Arians - 26-27 80
Beni Suer 87, n~:lII John ('::ltprllptl"'''I school in Alexandria 18 CatllOlic Church 96, 12, I 170 Catholic H)U);1 ");"'Ul"" Catholic Catholics - 170-171 (and see Rom;m Catholics) ~C"~J"'''~, Roman pope - 17 20 Bethlehem - 1 beys 109, 1 1, Bible - 5, 142, - 123-124, 126, 133, 146, army, 21-22, 26, 169 80,87, 125, 152, 166, Melchite Bible 166 Ashmul1ein - Asia - 22,95 Asia Minor 2, 5 Askalon 81 17a Chadwick, 4 Chalcedonian CI1l1stians 44" Melehites} ciJeirotonia Chosroes chrism - 100, III Clllistodolllos, (and anti-Chalcedonians anti-illtellectualism, 2-3, 10,26,33,85,39-42,47, i\lllioch Book ofHislOIies - 96 Book of]ames 4, Britain - Aswan - 57, - 77-80 - 77, 129-130, 145, 152 n"tn~r('h of 171 34 126, 130, 145, 148- 48, 57, Ath,ma'lius I the Great- 19, 149, 153-154, 157 the British - 122, 129, 134, 140, 73, 187 n"tTl~ITh - 97 147-149, Chronicle of Eusebius- Chronicoll Church ofJerusalem - 113 British British invasion 119 Attila the Hun - Australia - ix, 173, 178 Austria - 128, 138 Awad, Louis 154" 177 awlad al-'Assal 87 - xiv, 19, 130, British 126, 128 Church 143-B4, 146-147 British mle - Circassian J\1,ul1luks - 121 Circassians 93, 108-109, 119, 146 Citadel - 134 civilization 32 ~ 114, Axis Powers 153 Arabs xiv, Bulus al-Habis - 96 H;8 - 83-86, 88, 93-94 126, 148, 187 Arab conquest- 187 74.,147,185- {and see El1a1:oll} 52-56,61, (Old Cairo)- 53,59, 74., 80 Butler, 52-53 Butros Butros Ghali 179 Butros Ghali Pasha H7-148, 152 Butrus Sawirus aHamil 88 Badr a1:Tamali 79-81 Arab countries - 168, 171 Arab culture - 96, 146-1/t7 Arab 60,62-64,74, 181-132, Bahri 100, 101 bakt- 95 Baldwin, ofJerusalem- Conference - 157 Baramus monastery 132,164,173 Lord} - xiv, 41-42, 44-48, 52-53, A.rab science - 96 Arab - 166 Arab Socialist 165 Arab Socialist Union 166 62-68, 68, 76, Ih,e1- 125 107, 126-128, 71, Cairo-Alexandria Constantius, emperor - 73 216
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